People naturally follow the pathes that they know and the paths with lest resistance. Phaysicians who have limited contact with Obstractive Sleep Apnea and Snoring were taught that CPAP and Surgery were the answers to these problems. These answers are within the province of their training. Surgery is only for very specific problems, and CPAP on a short term basis solves the problem. The fact that CPAP is physically and emotionally uncomfortable and unnecessary for mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea patients, and that it has a large non- compliance over time is not part of their equasion. Oral Appliance Therapy has a better compliance due to its comfort and social acceptablility. So mention Oral Appliance theapy as an option to your physician, and if he/she has any questions or would like more information, have them contact my and I will be happy to speak to them or send information on the therapy.